Positive Separation

Positive Separation

“To love is also to know how to part. To allow someone to leave, even if deeply cherished. Love is the antithesis of selfishness, possessiveness; it is turning towards the other person, desiring primarily their happiness, sometimes against one’s own.”

Vincent van Gogh wrote this, but isn’t it possible to part in a way that makes oneself happy too? Although initially seeming impossible, a change in perspective can work wonders.

Positive Separation is a therapeutic-legal program focused on the value of continuing a happy life after separation, whether from a romantic or marital relationship.

In this approach, I work with couples to establish their needs during consultation sessions, which informs further therapy and the process of ending the relationship.

Relationships offer ample opportunities for growth.

Due to my attentive observation of a reality with a significant number of separations and divorces, coupled with my extensive experience as a lawyer, I believe not every separation must conclude after years spent in court and complete conflict between partners, which can hinder or greatly complicate further life and the well-being of shared children. Positive Separation is achievable and aims to protect oneself and shared children.